
Make every moment count

Discover what’s most effective for your message, your preparations, and your delivery in my weekly masterclass.

▶︎  Refine your message with expert guidance
▶︎  Learn from others in powerful group sessions

▶︎  Nail your slides, preparations, and delivery

Focus on what really connects with your audience

Sample Makeovers

(Click or tap on the graphics below to see an expanded view)

Each of these makeovers does three things:
1) Puts the focus on the client or prospect, not the presenter.
2) Clarifies and simplifies the message, so it’s easier to absorb.
3) Invites conversation, rather than buries them with data.

How well are you doing these things in your presentations or speeches? If you need help, join the Masterclass! 👇

Join the Masterclass 

Click the button below to get on the waitlist. Seats are limited.
Sessions run 90-minutes, on the first 3 Wednesdays of the month.
You can cancel anytime. For more info, see the FAQ below.

only $47/mo

Will transform how we present

william t - VP, GLOBAL SALES

“We would’ve saved hundreds of hours of executive time over the years if our presentations were organized this way. This approach will transform how we present to prospects and even customers. This is critical for sales people.”


How are these sessions structured?

We’ll have a short check-in to see the mood of the room and, given the topic of the day, what people’s expectations and desires are. Then we’ll dive into the first of three or four works-in-progress of members of the masterclass, helping them to see what’s working and what might be holding them back. These will be nuts-and-bolts kinds of discussions, so you and the other members of the masterclass come away with actionable insights that can transform your work.

Is it the same theme each session?

No. Sometimes we’ll work on slide decks, sometimes we’ll work on story development, sometimes we’ll work on the most effective ways to practice and prepare for a presentation or speech. What we’ll do each session will come either from my assessment about what will best support and inspire the class, or it could come from requests from the group. It will be fluid, but always designed to serve your growth. 

How are people chosen to have their work reviewed?

You’ll know in advance what the upcoming session will cover, and if you’d like your work to be reviewed, there’s a simple form to fill out to indicate your interest. We’ll do a deep dive on the work of 3-4 people each session. When we have more than that who'd like to be reviewed, I'll pull names out of a hat for those who will be in the spotlight that session. (I'll do that beforehand and let you know in advance who has been selected.) You can’t be reviewed in successive sessions, unless we don’t have enough volunteers that week.

Is there any homework?

There will always be some kind of takeaway or homework at the end of each session. That could be a writing assignment or a challenge to do something that might stretch your comfort zone, but you'll always have some activity to help land the learning and continue your growth.

What if I can't make it to a session?

No worries. Every masterclass is recorded, so you can view the session you missed, or review any of the other prior sessions.

And I can cancel at any time?

Yes. You won't be billed for any future months, once you cancel; there are no refunds for partial months, however. Your access to the catalog of previous masterclasses will end along with your subscription.